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Your career shouldn’t consume your life, it should be the key to creating the life you’ve always dreamed of.

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An 'intensive' course is the fastest way to get CeMAP Qualified

Whether you’re fresh out of school, switching career gears or coming back from maternity leave with a whole new set of ambitions, let me help you start a journey through CeMAP and earning more of that sweet money, honey!

Let's call CeMAP what is is, HARD! 

Rewarding? Yes. But still hard.


I'm hooked up with 


Split your course payments into 4 installments with ClearPay! Option available at the final stage of checkout subject to ClearPay T&C's

Book on BOTH Masterclasses courses and save £213

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You've tried self study. It's hard, the text book is heavy AF and the writing is too damn small to properly retain the information.


You just want to take that next step in your career and GET IT DONE. You know that the qualification is going to open up so many more doors for you (not to mention more money coming in), but you feel stuck.


You're ready to take the plunge. To commit, to get qualified and bring home that bigger paycheck, and you're willing to get it done ASAP.

And if you’re reeeally honest with yourself (and me!), You don't want to spend any more evenings hunched over a textbook instead of getting some Vitamin D in the (beer) garden after hours

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So what's the hold up?

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You’ve got enough questions to fill an Amazon warehouse… and no one to help you answer them.


  • What do I really need to retain for the exam?

  • How do I break the information down into chunks?

  • What will it be like on exam day?

  • Which bits of the text do I need to memorise?

  • What's the deal with online exams anyway?


But the worst part? Dr. Google, good ole’ YouTube, and those free blogs full of affiliate links don’t really help. No matter how many glasses of boxed wine you drink.


Week after week, you’re left exactly where you started. Stretched thin as a sheet of printer paper, mapping out your learning one more time, playing around with your highlighter, wondering if you're ever going to get qualified.


You decide it's definitely something you can put off until next year... again. Because this wage and those hours aren't the WORST thing, right?

(Believe me, I've been there...)

But let's take a look at how your new life could look, shall we?

Big Reason #1: Your Schedule, Your Way.

A career in Mortgage Advice doesn't just open up doors in the employment sector, but all of a sudden you have the option of going self employed, taking your own path and making your own schedule.


Imagine being able to go for that dog walk on a Tuesday afternoon because it's sunny and 'you can'. Imagine not having to stress about booking holidays this year just incase Kate and Brandon over in accounts need those days off too.


Even if you decide to stay in employment, there are so many brokers that now offer remote and flexible positions (I know, I used to work for one) and this could be exactly the career you've always dreamed of.

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#2: It's not all about Money... But also

Okay, we all know that money doesn't make the world go round, it won't make you live longer and 'aparently' it doesn't actually make you any happier (tell that to the 3 holidays a year, thanks).


BUT money does make life easier. For you, your goals, your kids OR just your hella' expensive tattoo habit you've been failing to hide from your friends and family the last decade.


Whatever it is, a career in financial advice has SUCH a strong earning potential (see £41K - £75K per year according to

#3: Your Time is Precious

Let’s flip the script here. What if I told you that committing to a masterclass could be save you money AND time?




It's not just time saved boxing off the exam, it's the time saved in the role. The times you can clock off early because the sun is shining and what's stopping you from hitting the bar at 3pm.


The time you can use to pick up the kids from school every day because you work to your own schedule and can prioritse what matters to you


Or just being able to show up for drinks made up with your old collegues who still work unsociable hours because they didn't explore their potential.


Whatever your motivation, remember that time is the one thing you can't make more of, and a career in mortgage advice can facilitate that freedom.

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Now, slow your scroll for a sec.

Imagine what it would feel like to be working from anywhere, earning way over £50K a year and JUST MAYBE even being your own boss.

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Studying shouldn't break the bank. You won't find a package like this at this price anywhere else - if you do, I'll beat it.

With no more than 8 trainees per course, you can be sure I'll be with you every step of the way, and all of your training needs will be met!

You'll get a 1 one on 1 coaching session with me + recap videos of the relevant training material, making sure you have support every step of the way.

Sound too good to be true? It's not.

I know because I’ve already helped so many clients sail through those exams and get their dream jobs.

But wait, have we officially met?

Hey, I'm Charlotte!

Future in Finance is my company, and I'm here to bring you a down to earth, easy going, not boring as hell, approach to the learning within the Financial Industry.


I have made it my mission to revolutionise the stigma surrounding financial qualifications. We have all suffered through stuffy and beige tuition courses, enduring dusty old course material in the name of being "professional". There is more to life, and learning, than that. I don't want anything in my life to be boring, and that includes my courses. I value the time I have away from work enough to realise that the time we spend in work should also be valuable.

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The Story

Like all the best love stories, this one started out with a girl (me), her dog (Fox), and one very mundane Monday morning (more on this later).


The dream was to find a career in an industry that would allow me the flexibility to not only work from anywhere, but to work from anywhere with a possibility of an uncapped earning potential. And to do it all without taking time out of my current employment to go back into education, or spend 3 years of my life working nights to get a second degree.


I'd done the digging, I'd compared the shortlist, and I'd found the career path. Financial Services was the direction I was taking, there was no looking back and I set my sights for success. After landing an entry level job in a well established Mortgage Broker Firm I knew the next step was to get qualified.

My expectations on learning in the Financial Services Industry had been, shall we say, effectively managed. My colleagues had warned me that the courses were dull, outdated and 'honestly boring as hell', but this that's just financial services, right? 


As the months went by, and I watched more colleagues suffer the courses for the good of their careers, I couldn't shake the feeling that there had to be another way, things could be done differently, surely we shouldn't have to subject ourselves to mind numbingly dull courses, materials, and tutors, all in the name of professional development.

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Then that thing happened. THAT THING that changed the trajectory of my career forever. I sat a 5 day intensive fast track course and I STILL failed the exams. 


So, why am I telling you all this?


Because not being able to pass that exam lit a fire in me, a fire to make sure no one else ever spends money on a program that offers limited support, no aftercare or no satisfaction guarantee. I want everyone to feel empowered to pass those exams and never feel as (for lack of a better word) dumb as I felt after being told a fast track course was my best hope.


The course failed me, and I built Future in Finance with an ambition to support everyone through their learning.

Love, Charlotte


The MasterClass

When you join the CeMAP Masterclass, you’re welcomed into a space that’s got everything you need to get CeMAP qualified over a 5 day period.

First up, you'll be emailed your logins to the E-Learning 'Study-at-your-own-pace' platform with has the E-Book and Complete Audio Study Guide Series built in as well as over 30 video files breaking down each important section of your studies. The most amazing part is this is an ever evolving platform, so every month new material is added to keep things fresh. As well as all the teaching there is an interactive exam style platform which is there to familiarise you with the exam style questions you might face and get you as exam ready as possible for the big day.

Then... Day 1 of our 5 day fast track course, you'll join me on Zoom at 9am to become CeMAP MASTERS, it'll be me, you and no more than seven other students in an intimate group setting where I promise there'll be no awkward ice breakers or cheesy warm ups - just a safe space to share experiences, ask questions and of course learning everything you need to get qualified. I'll also walk you through booking your exam AND getting that 121 with me booked in before the big day!

Generally the courses run 9am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday however this is down to the group. Some get through the material quicker and get through the material by Thursday evening. In the event this happens Friday will be a day tailored to the groups requested focus areas with brand new material developed just for you. Remember, with the Masterclass you are your own boss, so if you can't make a session, need to shoot early or just need a break that's totally OK - you'll get recordings of each session, broken down into 30 - 90 minute files so you can recap in your own time (& you get to keep these forever!)

And the Future in Finance Guarantee? If you don’t pass first time (and don't worry, neither did I), then you can sit the course again COMPLETELY FREE*. Not only can you sit the course as many times as necessary, you will also receive LIFETIME ACCESS to the Study Portal, meaning there are no time limits for you studies - because life is hard enough without being told you only have X amount of days to get that cramming in. The course also comes with a seven day 'no questions asked' money back guarantee.

This really is is the complete package for your CeMAP Studies and I can't wait to see you there!

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Want a sneak peak at what the course has to offer?

Get over 12 hours worth of CeMAP Study Material (no I'm not kidding) and really level up your studies.

Get Ready to get Psyched

Get instant access to all this too as soon as you've signed up for the Masterclass

Payment Options

Split Pay

4 Payments of £169.25

We partnered up with Clearpay & Paypal to give you a more accessible option. Subject to T&C's

Pay in Full

1 Payments of £677

100% Risk Free

When you join the CeMAP 1 Masterclass, you’re welcomed into a space that’s got everything you need to get CeMAP qualified. And the best part?

This is a proven system. So many students have used the tools in the masterclass to take the next steps in their career.


Noticed how every other provider offers you the 'one time only' or '6 months time limit' on their material? Yeah, me too. If you don’t pass first time (and don't worry, neither did I), then you can sit the course again COMPLETELY FREE. Not only can you sit the course as many times as necessary, you will also recieve LIFETIME ACCESS to the Study Portal, meaning there are no time limits for you studies - because life is hard enough without being told you only have X amount of days to get that cramming in.


NOT JUST THAT, The MasterClass comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee*! If you sit the course and decide it wasn't what you thought, you have seven days to ask for a complete refund, no questions asked. No other provider offers this service!


There are no strings attached, no forms to fill out, nothing to prove, and I won’t question you. If you need another go - just let me know.


**But don’t be that person who joins, logs into the teaching portal and then shares their logins with their mates. We can see that on our course platform, and it’s just bad karma.

So What Happens Next?

Here's How It Works...

Click the Link Below to check out the available dates and bag your space! You'll get immediate access to the E-Learning Platform and can slippy slide into my Whatsapp anytime day or night for support.

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And just incase you're wondering how the CeMAP 1 Masterclass Stacks up against those other programs out there...

Other Programs:

Run the same material, day in, day out for years with no focus on engagement of their audience.

Run courses for 20+ students at a time, with little attention being paid to individual needs.

Are unlikely to find ways to get close enough to the exam formats often to be able to provide valuable insight into the conditions on the day.

Have Limited-Time Access to course content (usually 6 months) and NEVER offer a free resit.

Offer NO personal support over the phone for questions during allocated times and don't offer a 121 session at the end of the course.

Only offer out-dated training methods like "here, let me read off this power point presentation... again", and have few learning alternatives.,

The CeMAP 1 Master Class

LOADED with Practical Examples & Plug-n-Play Templates so you can listen to the podcast, watch a pre-recorded video, take a look at TikTok or sit with me live over Zoom.

Walks you through more than the exam material. I'll set your expectations for exam day whether you're at a centre or sitting it remote.

Offers a 121 zoom call after the course to iron out any kinks that you might be stuck on, and also personal phone support for those quick questions (straight to my mobile - no call centres here).

Gives Students Lifetime Access—to the course material AND full access to all future updates for free

Protects You with a Hassle-Free Re-Sit Guarantee (no sleazy stuff here!)

Is 100% Built with Your Success in Mind so you can join knowing that I’m (…yes, me—Charlotte!) always thinking about how to best support you and help you build a career (and life!) that lights you up

Let's Get Started!

Still Here? Oh Good! 
Fox Says Hi and...

I made you a little something.

The CeMAP 1 Master Class is a hot match for you if...

You're just starting out. You have no experience within the industry but know its an avenue you want to explote and excel in, or even work for youself.

Or you’ve already got one foot in the door within the Financial Services Sector and you're looking to level up your career and bag that promotion.

Or you've done your time working for someone else and you're ready to branch out into self employment but just need the qualification to get you there.

You are willing to show up, do the work, and push yourself a bit outside your comfort zone


The Course isn't for you if...

You’re looking for an easy way to make a quick buck—this ain’t easy, and it ain’t gonna happen overnight (But it is SO doable if you’re willing to commit to doing the work!)

You don’t want to progress in your career and get a bigger paycheck to match. You're comfortable right where you are.

You’re not willing to make the time to learn, practice, and revise for the big day.

See you on the Inside

Want to Talk it Through? Get in Touch:

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