Tired of finding half-baked answers to all your CeMAP Questions? I've heard you and I'm here to save the day...
Here's how it works:
To get CeMAP Qualified you need to sit 3 exams. CeMAP 1, CeMAP 2 & CeMAP 3. Each exam costs £215 and to get your study text you have to pay your exam fee (you can do this direct with LIBF))
CeMAP 1:
Most people sit this exam first, but you don't have to. This exam is split into two sections, Unit 1 & Unit 2. You will sit them both Units together, each unit contains 50 multiple choice questions and you need 35/50 in each unit to pass.
Unit 1 focuses on chapters 1 - 16 of your LIBF study text, and Unit 2 on 17 - 25. If you were to fail one Unit you would only have to resit the 50 questions you didn't pass.
There will be no calculation questions in your CeMAP 1 exam, they were removed in the September 2023 update.
CeMAP 2:
CeMAP 2 consist of another batch of 100 multiple choice questions, split into 4 Units instead of 2. Here is how CeMAP 2 is broken down...
Unit 3: 25 questions (18/25 required to pass)
Unit 4: 25 questions (18/25 required to pass)
Unit 5: 20 questions (14 required to pass)
Unit 6: 30 questions (21/30 required to pass)
Unit 3 focuses on the first 9 chapters of your second study text, unit 4 on 10 - 15, Unit 5 on 16 - 19 and Unit 6 on 20 - 29. You have 2 hours to sit the exam and would only have to resit the units you didn't achieve the 70% benchmark on. Your studies for this are based on the second textbook (which you'll receive when you pay for the exam)
CeMAP 3:
Your third and final CeMAP exam is still multiple choice. Don't let the internet tell you otherwise - the key difference with CeMAP 3 is that your answers will be tailored to a particular case study scenario you are faced with in your exam.
You will receive 6 case studies and be asked 10 questions related to each study. You will be able to see both the case study and the question on a split screen scenario, and you need a 70% pass mark overall to be successful.
Remember: These questions will be based from the same textbook as your CeMAP 2 studies, there is no CeMAP 3 textbook!
You will likely be asked to complete calculation such as:
1. Working out monthly mortgage payments based on loan amount and interest rates offered.
2. Calculating Loan to Value amounts
3. Figuring out a percentage of someone's free disposable income
Most people dread CeMAP 3 the most, because it feels unfamiliar and you're SO close to the end, but trust me when I say most of my students actually enjoy it the most because it gives them the opportunity to apply what they have learned in a real scenario.
And that's it! All that's left to do is find the right type of provider to help you smash it on exam day (Spoiler Alert: She wrote this for you ;) )